Rabbits are very loving creatures. Every rabbit mom loves their furry babies. They are a friendly and happy addition to your family. So adding another rabbit to this family can only bring more joy! 

But there will be many questions in your mind right now. Can two rabbits live together? Can two MALE rabbits live together? How do bond them? Will they fight? Don’t worry… In this article, we will discuss all of it. 

Can Male Rabbits Live Together? Yes! You can keep two male rabbits together. This will also aid them in large. Rabbits will learn to be more social and friendly. It will help them from being bored. It will help in improving their behavior as well. 

To get the answers to all the questions we saw, keep reading…

Let’s hop straight in!

Can Male Rabbits Live Together?

Is It A Good Idea To Have 2 Male Rabbits?

Is It A Good Idea To Have 2 Male Rabbits?

Rabbits are very social animals. In the wild, they always live in a group. They love to have companies. They grow up as a family with many rabbits.

If left alone, they can develop health problems and can feel lonely. This is why having another rabbit if you already have one is a great idea!

Can you keep 2 male rabbits together? Yes! Of course, you can keep 2 male rabbits together. You can have two male rabbits that are well bonded.

Besides having company, having another male rabbit will help your first male rabbit in many other ways. It will help them study social skills. Rabbits learn to be more social, it helps with behavioral problems, depression, and more in rabbits.

The introduction of two male rabbits is a very risky business. You should never leave the two rabbits without them first forming a bond. Male rabbits who are put together without bonding can end up fighting for the territory. 

Rabbits are very furry, cute, and friendly. But they can be territorial. One rabbit can be dominant over the other one. This can cause fights between your two rabbits. We will discuss in the later part of the article how to stop them from fighting and how to avoid it. 

Rabbits crave company in certain situations. They also show several symptoms to indicate this like:

● Become sluggish and lethargic

● Hides in their cage

● Over scratching things

● Over-grooming themselves till bald patches come

● Refusal to eat and drink

● Constant illnesses

● Depression

Interesting Read: Can 3 Rabbits Live Together?

Will 2 Male Rabbits Fight And How Do I Stop It?

Will 2 Male Rabbits Fight And How Do I Stop It?

You can never cross off this possibility. Rabbits are very territorial. Another male rabbit invading their space and sharing their parent’s love can cause violent behavior in them stemming from jealousy.

That’s why your rabbits need to bond so that they will learn to share everything and be friendly. 

Serious fighting among rabbits can be violent. It can result in serious injuries for both of your male rabbits. You are also at risk of getting hurt if you go to separate them in the middle of the fight.

If the wounds are deep and bad then you will have to visit the vet immediately.  When your rabbits start fighting, there are a few tips you can keep in mind to avoid the fight. 

The best and most worked tip is spraying water at your rabbits when they are in a fight. By spraying water at them, they will get distracted. As all rabbit moms know, rabbits and water don’t go well with each other and they hate it.

When you spray whatever they will stop fighting and will start to groom themselves. This may be enough to prevent them from fighting again.

You can try the spraying method again if they continue to fight. If it still doesn’t work, you will have to remove them from each other on your own. You should separate them and put them in their cages. You have to be careful while doing this.

You have to keep in mind that you should only reintroduce your male rabbits again after a few weeks. 

Even after a few weeks, the males continue to fight then that’s not a great sign. This means that they aren’t getting along at any point. At this point, it’s best to rehome one of the rabbits and try again with another rabbit to see if they’re compatible.

Interesting Read: Do Rabbits Fight Each Other? How Do I Stop My Rabbits Fighting?

How Do You Introduce Two Male Rabbits?

How Do You Introduce Two Male Rabbits?

This is the single most important step if you are planning to have two rabbits, be it any gender. The introduction should be done with extreme care and attention. The introduction and bonding process should never be rushed and should be done slowly.

However, the good news is rabbits love company and groups! 

You have to make sure you set up different hutches for your rabbits. They should be kept separate in the beginning. You cannot just put them together before the bond is formed.

You can choose a hutch that gives your rabbits a clear vision outside. In this way, your males can see each other in different cages and get used to the idea of another male in the room. You have to keep the rabbits apart and then slowly move them closer gradually. 

Make sure your rabbits are neutered to prevent them from being territorial and violent. After a few weeks of keeping them in different rooms and getting them acquainted, they start to move the cage to each other.

Keep both cages a small distance. It helps them feel safe as they aren’t invading the other’s territory.

The bonding process starts at about this stage. The males when placed close will start sniffing around each other’s cage which shows the formation of a bond. You can clearly understand the bonding from their manners.

They won’t be alerted in the presence of your second rabbit anymore. They won’t have problems sharing the litter. If you see such signs, you can bring them face to face. 

Make sure you bring them face to face in a room where neither of them feels territorial. You have to supervise them closely.

If they do not fight when brought face to face, then it’s a great sign. If they do, it means they haven’t bonded fully yet and you need to give them more time to do so. 

You can bring them face to face every day till they are fully comfortable with each other. When your rabbits feel comfortable together, their body language will change.

They’ll start lying down, grooming themselves, and eating around one another. Grooming is the best sign of bonding in rabbits. 

Interesting Read: Can Two Female Rabbits Live Together?

Can Two Unneutered Male Rabbits Live Together?

Unneutered/ Unspayed male rabbits won’t get along as easily as neutered males. Both the rabbits need to be neutered before you introduce them because of the following reasons:

  • neutering can remove the sex hormone that is responsible for aggression and territorial behavior. This will help prevent the fighting and violence in your male rabbits as well as promote bonding. 
  • It removes the risk of your male rabbits getting cancer in reproductive organs. 

Can Two Neutered Male Rabbits Live Together?

Yes! Two neutered male rabbits can live together. It is easier for neutered rabbits to live together compared to two unneutered male rabbits. Neutered rabbits are easier to bond with.

Their aggression level I’ll be lower. They won’t be territorial like the unneutered males. It can also help reduce the risk of getting cancer in reproductive organs. 

Tips To Bond 2 Male Rabbits

  • Make sure both the male rabbits are neutered. It will make the bonding process easier. 
  • Both the rabbits should have their personal space in the beginning. 
  • Choose a neutral space for the bonding process. Both the rabbits shouldn’t feel territorial in this space. 
  • You can keep both rabbits calm during the bonding process by petting them. 
  • If you are still having trouble bonding your rabbits you can try switching to a new area, rub mashed bananas on their heads, and let them run around alone before their session so that they are calmer.

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can two female rabbits live together? 

Yes! Two female rabbits can live together. Before introducing them abruptly you have to make sure you bond them or else it can cause violent behavior in them. 

Can Cats and Rabbits Live in the Same House?

Yes! These animals can happily co-exist. They can even become friends, given the right circumstances.

Final Word 

We finally have the answer to the question: Can two male rabbits live together? Yes, they can! It is very common in wild rabbits so we can have more than one male rabbit in our houses also.

As we discussed above, bonding is a crucial and unavoidable step. It takes time and care. In case the bunnies become violent and fight, you have to separate them and get their wounds checked by the wet immediately.

If you do the introduction process carefully, you can have a small furry friend’s family for yourself. I hope this article solved all your questions about how to have two male rabbits. For more questions comment down below!

Must Read: Rabbit Bonding Stages: Tips, Tricks And More!


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