If your rabbit is litter-trained, there’s a good chance they had a few accidents about the house before they began using their litter box consistently. There may also be circumstances where your bunny pees on your bed. This may lead you to think, why does my bunny pee on my bed?

Your rabbit pees on your bed because because bunnies prefer to define their territory. If an area smells strange, they’ll claim it by marking it with their scent. They leave their mark on the bed in the form of urine and excrement.

Since beds are often out of reach for most bunnies, as a result, they smell strange to them. When you offer your bunnies access to your bed unexpectedly, they are exposed to a huge space that smells like you. As a consequence, they feel compelled to stake their claim on your bed by peeing.

In this article, we will inform you all about rabbits peeing on bed. So, keep reading!.

Why Does My Rabbit Pee On My Bed?

Why Does My Bunny Always Pee On My Bed?

Why Does My Bunny Always Pee On My Bed?

If your rabbit is always peeing or spraying urine all over your bed, it’s most likely because he’s marking his territory. To alleviate territorial sentiments, it’s a good idea to get your rabbit spayed or neutered.

Rabbits may sometimes pee on your sofa or bed to demonstrate who is the dominant bunny in the home. You should address this right away by litter-training them.

Patience and perseverance are required when litter-training your pet rabbit. However, you will have a beautiful friend to share your house with in the end.

Peeing on the bed is a bad habit that should be stopped. You should help your bunny fix his litter habits in order to stop him from dirtying your bedsheets.

Spay or neuter your rabbit to stop him from peeing on your bed.

Why Does My Rabbit Pee On Blankets?

Your rabbit is peeing on your blanket in order to assert his dominance. Your blanket has a strong resemblance and smells like you, which irritates your bunny.

As a result, your bed stands out to your rabbit like a sore thumb. They believe that reasserting their dominance and peeing on your blanket is the best course of action.

How Do I Stop My Rabbit From Peeing On Blankets?

How Do I Stop My Rabbit From Peeing On Blankets?

When you share your home with a house rabbit, you may have to share your bed or sofa as well. Most of the time, this doesn’t create any issues until your rabbit thinks it’s their new litter tray out of nowhere.

When this behavior develops, it may be difficult to break. It can ultimately become quite annoying, sabotaging your time together.

It might be a huge bummer to have to spend time cleaning up after your rabbit pees on your bed instead of spending time playing with your bunny. However, it is also the moment to keep your calm and take measures to clearly communicate to your rabbit that this is unacceptable behavior.

If you want to stop your bunny from peeing on blankets, the first thing to remember is that you should only scold your rabbit if you find them doing anything wrong. Telling your rabbit out after they’ve leapt away will be pointless since they won’t recall what they’ve done or why you’re chastising them.

It’s crucial not to freak out if you find your bunny peeing or pooping on your bed. Never yell at your rabbit or clap vigorously at them. Since their hearing is acute, this might give them a lot of worry.

Never strike or push your rabbit out if you see them peeing on your bed. This is because they will not comprehend this form of discipline. In fact, physical punishment may cause injury if they escape and fall. It might make them apprehensive or even angry towards you over time.

Instead, state their name and the word ‘no’ many times in a forceful voice. If your rabbit is accustomed to being picked up, pick him up. If not, lead him to his enclosure or another spot where he won’t be able to return.

When your rabbit is safely out of the way, clean up. Make sure you eliminate any aroma from the area where the accident occurred. Otherwise your bunny may want to return to it and add to it. You may spritz your bed and the surrounding area with fabric freshener.

If it’s a urine stain, wash any coverings that can be removed. Soak up any wetness, and treat surfaces with fabric freshener once more.

If your rabbit continues repeating this behavior, have a water mister on yourself available. Spray a mist of cold water on them when you catch them in the act.

How Can I Stop My Rabbit From Peeing On My Bed?

How Can I Stop My Rabbit From Peeing On My Bed?

There are a lot of things you can do to keep your rabbit from peeing on your bed. However, if you don’t start with the fundamentals, the rest of your efforts will be for nothing.

Follow these tips in order to stop your bunny from peeing on bed:

1. Littering Instructions

Even the most well-trained bunnies like marking beds and other things on occasion. If your bunny hasn’t mastered litter training, it’s doubtful you’ll be able to prevent any accidents on your bed.

2. Neuter Or Spay

Even if your bunny is litter trained, if your rabbit isn’t fixed, you’re likely to have troubles with pee on your bed. This is because unfixed rabbits are more territorial and want to indicate their territory.

Not just for your bed, but for better litter habits in general, getting your rabbit fixed is perhaps the most crucial first step you should take.

Keep your rabbit out of your bed until they’ve been neutered. Furthermore, we recommend that you stop their access to furniture and beds until they are spayed.

3. Clean Up

Cleaning up accidents as quickly as possible prevents encouraging your rabbit to pee on the bed again. If your rabbit has an accident on your bed, the most important thing to do is scoop the feces and wash the sheet or cover as soon as possible. Otherwise, your rabbit will get used to the scent and will return to it.

4. Get Waterproof Mattress

If your rabbit pees on your bed every time you lay down new sheets, it may be really inconvenient and result in a lot of washing. One explanation for this might be because the aroma of your bunny’s pee has made its way into your mattress.

It is, therefore, persisting even after you’ve changed the sheets. Even if you spot clean, the stench that has crept into the mattress is unlikely to be fully removed. As a result, we strongly recommend purchasing a waterproof mattress cover to avoid this problem.

5. Use Protective Covering

If you have a young rabbit that has a tenacious tendency of peeing on your bed and you can’t simply prevent them from doing so, leave a protective layer of sheet over your bed. A waterproof shower curtain is an excellent alternative. You should install it on your bed when it is unattended to avoid mishaps while you are gone.

Along with this, you may try peeling away sections of the sheet every few days. Leave a tiny portion of your bed uncovered at first and progressively extend this space over time. This will preserve the bulk of your bed.

However, your bunny will gradually get used to having access to more area on your bed over time. Since this is better than being exposed to a vast expanse that smells utterly strange all at once, this may reduce his need to mark.

6. Avoid Using Soft Blankets

If your rabbit has ever had an accident outside of their litter box, you may have discovered that they like soft blankets. They like essentially anything furry that feels like another bunny. Even litter-box trained bunnies can’t help themselves from peeing on something soft and fluffy now and again.

They do so by marking their territory with their smell, most likely because it feels like a gigantic soft invading bunny. Since they want to establish their dominance, they do so by marking their territory with their fragrance. As a result, if you have a lot of fuzzy soft blankets, your bunny will be quite tempted to pee on it.

If you prefer to sleep with a soft blanket for comfort, make sure your bunnies don’t have unrestricted access to it. When making your bed, fold blankets up or remove them entirely until night.

7. Leave A Familiar Scent

You may wash and replace your sheets and covers on a regular basis. However, they will always smell fresh and clean. Every time you do this, your rabbit is likely to want to stamp his territory on your bed.

Leaving a familiar scent on your bed that doesn’t get changed too frequently may stop your bunny from peeing on the bed. It might also be a little blanket that you don’t use but put in one corner of the bed for your rabbit.

If you leave this on your bed every time you wash your sheets, your rabbit will have a familiar fragrance. He will be less inclined to stain the clean smelling bedding.

9. Do Not Feed Bunny On The Bed

You may want to reward your rabbit with a treat occasionally when they jump up onto your bed. You can also do so until your bunny has become accustomed to getting on your bed without making an accident. If you’re attempting to teach your rabbit not to pee on your bed, we recommend that you not feed them on the bed.

However, if your rabbit has gotten used to receiving treats on your bed, they may become possessive of this spot. This may lead them to feel obligated to claim it as their domain.

10. Provide Them With Food And Litter Box Nearby

This may seem paradoxical given the preceding suggestion, but the trick is to have the food source close by, but not on your bed. Because your bunnies are likely to know there is a food supply nearby, as well as a litter box, it may entice them away from the bed.

If you have bunny steps leading up to your bed, putting a litter box on a raised platform next to those stairs is an excellent idea. This is so that when your bunnies come up into your bed, they remember there is a toilet and food supply nearby.

11. Understanding Dominance

If you have more than one bunny, one of them will be the dominant rabbit. You may have observed that the dominant bunny is responsible for peeing. That dominating rabbit is essentially visiting your region to tell you who is in charge.

During the bonding process, you may have seen that the dominant rabbit would shove its head on top of the other rabbit’s head. This was a behavior used to assert dominance. You may emulate it by forcefully pressing your finger on your bunny’s head for a few seconds.

When you’re in your bed, you’re demonstrating your authority over the rabbit in this way. Repeat this behavior whenever your rabbit hops onto your bed. However, be cautious not to push down too hard. Attempt this act of dominance only for brief periods of time.

Frequently asked Questions

Is Rabbit Pee Harmful To Humans?

It is well known that the urine of healthy animals poses little to no harm to human beings. Although this is often the case, there are exceptions to this general rule.

What Color Should My Bunny’s Pee Be?

The color of a rabbit’s urine may range from a mild yellow or clear color to a deep crimson or brown color. Calcium carbonate secreted in the urine of rabbits may also cause the urine to seem hazy.

Do Bunnies Menstruate?

No, rabbits do not menstruate. It is possible for an unspayed female to bleed to death if she begins to flow blood. Bladder stones may also cause blood in the urine.

Final Words

When it comes to fighting for the things they desire, bunnies, like other pets, are territorial. They will find one way or the other to mark their territory on the bed via fragrance.

If they want to make a strong impression, they may go as far as to utilize this region as a toilet, even if it’s only for a few chin rubs. If you haven’t had your rabbit spayed or neutered, they may be more inclined to engage in this kind of activity.

Drop down your doubts and queries regarding your bunny’s peeing habits in the comment section below. We will answer them soon!


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