Rabbits are often prohibited as exotic pets in most residences. In addition to their reputation for wreaking havoc on their surroundings, rabbits are often prohibited by landlords for this reason.
There are particular apartments that allow rabbits to live in, while there are others that do not. Most apartment complexes refuse to allow unusual pets like rabbits. This is because some owners regard bunnies as disruptive animals who may be filthy and stinky.
There are, however, some flats that allow rabbits. If you’re looking for an apartment where you can keep a rabbit, you’ll need to meet a few standards. They would demand extra expenses such as pet fees, pet rent, and pet deposits.
Other requirements include rules like that your bunny must be neutered and caged.
Before excluding any properties from your search because the listing states that dogs are not permitted, attempt to speak with the landlord. A simple response to their worries about rabbits might go a long way in resolving their issues.
In this article, we will inform you all that you need to know about living with your bunny in an apartment. So, keep reading!
What Should I Do Before Keeping A Rabbit In My Apartment?
Before moving into an apartment, you must take into account the following considerations:
1. Inform Landlord About Your Rabbit’s Existence
Talk to your landlord about your rabbit to answer any queries he might have regarding your pet. Rabbits should be permitted on a lease, so check with your landlord first. If you try to sneak your rabbit in and are found after paying your deposit, you may have to give up your rabbit for adoption.
Rabbits are welcome in many flats with specific restrictions. If you’re planning on bringing your rabbit into your new apartment since it doesn’t allow pets, we strongly recommend you rethink your plans.
2. Number Of Rabbits
When deciding whether or not to keep a rabbit in your apartment, start with the essentials.
For the most part, it’s best to maintain only one rabbit in a home. If you don’t have a yard, you won’t be able to let the rabbit go about, and each noise would be magnified in its eyes.
As a result, you’ll be dealing with an overly-stressed bunny. Having more than one rabbit in a remote location, such as an apartment, might be a problem. Therefore, it is best to keep things under control with only one.
3. Space
As we all know, rabbits need to be active regularly to be content. Rabbits are bred to roam the landscape in search of food and companionship. If you keep them in cramped flats or cages all day and they’ll become stressed.
Stress may worsen your rabbit’s health. If it isn’t addressed, it might lead to detrimental health issues.
4. Neuter
It is common for male rabbits to spray pee all over the place if they have not been neutered. If your bunnies cause damage to your brand-new flats, you’re going to have to pay a fine.
In addition to being more destructive, unneutered rabbits are more difficult to housebreak. You don’t want your bunnies messing up your brand-new flats by pooping all over everything.
5. Rabbit-Proof Everything
It’s essential to safeguard the items in your apartment that your bunnies can get to while rabbit proofing it. Rabbits are naturally curious animals that will gnaw on and destroy everything in their path of exploration. Everything that needs protection would have to be wrapped in cardboard or plastic.
Regularly cutting your rabbit’s nails can help protect your hardwood and carpeted flooring from harm if your rabbit is a digger. To prevent rabbits from accidentally electrocuting themselves by chewing on wires, they should be covered in additional safety measures.
Can You Have A Rabbit In An Apartment?
Yes, it is possible to have rabbits in an apartment. Rabbits are adorable, affectionate, and an excellent addition to any family. In fact, rabbits are the ideal pet for apartment dwellers due to their small size and docile disposition.
To keep your rabbit healthy and safe, there are a few additional procedures you will need to do where you live, such as an apartment. Your rabbit will be content for years to come if you follow these safety measures.
Are Rabbits Good Apartment Pets?
Yes, rabbits are excellent apartment pets since they are tiny and quiet. However, you will need some room in your apartment for a rabbit cage and a more comprehensive play area for them to enjoy this privilege. In addition, you must have realistic expectations about the time and energy a pet rabbit would need.
Rabbits are wonderful pets, but they can also be a bit of a handful. Being natural burrowers and food foragers, rabbits are voracious eaters. They may wreak havoc in an unprepared house by digging into carpets, chewing on furniture, and so on.
Some apartment occupants may get anxious as a result of this damaging activity. No one wants a messy flat because of their fluffy roommate. Additionally, small dwellings might limit the amount of room a rabbit has to run about in. Despite their small size, rabbits need a certain amount of space, both for housing and activity.
Fortunately, a few quick fixes may transform an apartment into a comfortable and secure home for our pet rabbits.
How To Care For A Rabbit In An Apartment?
To take care of your rabbit in an apartment, you may employ the following tips:
1. Make Sure Your Apartment Allows Rabbits
You should check with the landlord even if you live in an apartment building that advertises itself as “pet-friendly”. This is to see whether rabbits are permitted as pets.
Cats and dogs are the only permitted pets in certain lease agreements. Therefore, bringing any other sort of animal home would violate the agreement.
Please check with the building management to ensure that rabbits are permitted in the apartment complex. Do it before bringing one home or changing locations.
2. Ensure Spaying Or Neutering
Spaying or neutering your rabbit is a lot less visible way to make your apartment secure while also making your pet happy. Fixing a rabbit reduces the likelihood of it engaging in possibly harmful behaviour. They will be less inclined to spray pee and dung throughout the house to establish a home base in their new environment.
As a rule, neutered rabbits tend to be calmer. Unlike their unaffected counterparts, neutered rabbits are less likely to engage in destructive behaviour when bored.
3. Have A Home Base
If you want your rabbit to be content in your residence, you’ll need to provide them with a secure base of operations.
A haven for your rabbit, as well as a place to keep their litter box and food bowls, will be established here. You may also offer your rabbit some boxes and other little bunny furniture to play with and hide in as well.
You’ll need to ensure that your rabbit’s enclosure is large enough. The length of your rabbit’s cage should be three to four times the length of its body.
In addition, the breadth and height should be one to two times your rabbit’s length and. The enclosure should be high enough to enable them to stand up straight on their toes.
No matter how much freedom you plan on giving your rabbit, you’ll still need to build up a haven for him. Not only does this provide your rabbit with a secure shelter, but it’s also a good idea to have an enclosure ready.
You’ll also have a spot to put your rabbit if you have to keep your other pets out of harm’s way for whatever reason.
To keep your rabbit safe, we usually suggest a pet exercise pen. This form of housing is better than tiny rabbit cages since it provides more room for your rabbit. It is also easier to clean and is typically less expensive.
4. Use An Enclosure That Is Easy To Clean
An apartment doesn’t have an exterior water hose. Therefore, you can’t wash a rabbit cage there. While it is possible to clean a cage in the bathtub, this is not always the best option.
There have been a few instances when individuals have attempted to use a bathtub inside and ended up with blocked drains due to the hay. Instead, choose an enclosure that is simple to clean and doesn’t need a lot of elbow grease.
You may safeguard your apartment’s floors by putting an area rug beneath the enclosure. To clean these enclosures, remove the gates and sweep up the debris. You may then vacuum the remaining debris. Rabbit pens work well if you have a tiny amount of room in your flat to accommodate a rabbit enclosure.
6. Cover Carpets
A large number of rabbits are excellent diggers. For example, they could attempt digging into the carpet behind a piece of furniture or the corners of a room. Your apartment’s carpet will be damaged if your rabbit is a digger.
You may need to take some measures if your rabbit loves to dig. First, do all you can to seal off the corners of rooms. These are the places where rabbits are most likely to search. Furniture may be used to keep your rabbit totally out of certain areas.
Rugs and plastic mats cover locations that are not obstructed by furniture. Using these, you may keep your rabbit from digging into significant parts of the apartment. Damage to an area rug may be repaired much more quickly than carpet damage.
Rabbits are known to consume tiny slivers of carpet as they go. Seagrass, sisal, or other natural fibres make perfect area rugs. Because of this, you don’t have to worry about your rabbit consuming anything harmful.
How Do You Bunny Proof An Apartment?
To bunny proof your apartment, you may employ the following tips:
1. Protect Floors
You may place plastic corner guards in the corners of the room. Rabbits are voracious diggers, and one of their favourite pastimes is tearing up carpets in unexpected places. We recommend that you use the same kind of carpet protectors you’d use beneath a chair or desk if you have carpets.
Alternatively, carpeted sections might be blocked off. Make sure your rabbit has a place to dig in its cage by putting some hay in there. This may keep it from tearing up the carpets in the meanwhile.
2. Protect Walls And Furniture
Protect your walls by installing baseboard coverings at the bottom of the joints. They may cause serious harm to their tiny teeth by chewing on baseboards. The baseboards should be protected by putting some of these over them.
Another way to bunny-proof your apartment is to use furniture or boxes to conceal the baseboard. However, this may not be feasible across the whole flat. Bitter apple spray, for example, may be used to make walls and wooden furniture taste unpleasant. You may try this to keep your rabbit from munching on them.
3. Protect Wire
Wire sections of your rabbit’s cage to keep him from gnawing on them. Rabbits have a penchant for chewing on wires, which may cause a power outage as well as harm to your pet.
Look for places in your apartment where there are a lot of cables and attempt to seal them off. If you cannot do so, consider raising the wires so that your rabbit cannot reach them.
Most hardware and electronics shops sell little plastic attachments that may be used to connect cables to your walls and lift them. Alternatively, you might use a roll of tape.
Make a thorough inspection of your flat for any stray wires you may have overlooked. Your rabbit is tiny enough to get into tight locations. Therefore, it is possible that he may come across some wires he can gnaw on.
Protect wires by wrapping them with a covering. A protective coating may keep your rabbit from chewing through wires if you can’t block them entirely.
If you want to be extra cautious, an additional layer of protection may be added. You may purchase metal or plastic coatings from an electronics shop and wrap them around your cables.
4. Protect Plants
Raise your houseplants high enough that your rabbit will be unable to get to them. Rabbits can’t eat most houseplants, but that won’t stop yours from trying. Raising your houseplants to a level beyond the reach of your rabbit is a must.
What Is The Best Rabbit For An Apartment?
The best kinds of rabbits for staying in an apartment are:
1. New Zealand Rabbit
Large and powerful, New Zealand Rabbits are known for their gorgeous coats.
2. Mini Lop
Families with young children or elderly members will enjoy having a Mini Lop as a pet.
3. Rex Rabbit
Its short, silky hair sticks out rather than against its body. This makes the Rex rabbit very cuddly.
4. Lionhead Rabbit
The mane of the Lionhead Rabbit is the consequence of a mutation in the animal’s DNA. The term “Lionhead” comes from the fact that the wool mane on the Lionhead rabbit’s head resembles one on a lion.
5. New Zealand Red Rabbit
If you’ve never had a rabbit before, the New Zealand Red Rabbit is an excellent choice for you and your family. New Zealand Red rabbits are great pets for families since they are easygoing and kind.
6. Meissner Lop
As a pet, a Meissner Lop rabbit is an attractive option. This is because of its energetic, friendly behaviour and charming disposition.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do Rabbits Make Your House Stink?
No, rabbits generally do not make your house stink. When it comes to cleanliness and grooming, rabbits are among the cleanest species on the planet. Keeping their living place clean should prevent you from having any issues with their pee odor. You may spot clean every few days and give a thorough clean-out once a week to keep your house smelling fresh.
Is It Safe To Have A Rabbit In The House?
Yes, it is safe to have a rabbit in the house. Indoor rabbits have a lot of personalities and are pretty cute. If you want the rabbit to have an area to himself, you’ll have to make sure he isn’t isolated from the rest of the family altogether. Rabbits need a lot of social contact, exercise, and enrichment activities.
Is Rabbit Saliva Harmful To Humans?
No, rabbit saliva is not harmful to humans. However, in some instances, it can be. An infected rabbit bite wound is much more likely to result in a human being contracting pasteurellosis than an infected respiratory illness.
Final Words
If you have enough room to keep your rabbits secure, you may keep them in an apartment. Apartments with many wires and other power sources may not be suitable for rabbits to reside.
In a precarious circumstance like this, always make the right choice. Be patient and consider the rabbit’s well-being before making your decision.
We hope this article has answered all your doubts regarding bunnies living in apartments. If you have any more doubts, drop them in the comment section below. We will answer them soon!