Sage is a common shrub that’s seen in almost everybody’s back gardens. And we all know that rabbits are active animals who love to roam around in your backyard. Now can you connect the dots..? 

Rabbits could roam into your sage garden and eat the herbs. Do you know if sage is safe for your rabbit? Does sage have any toxic ingredients? Is sage nutritious? Can too much sage cause any risks for your bunny? 

Can Rabbits Eat Sage? Yes, rabbits can indeed eat sage. It is a safe herb for rabbits. However, like any other herbs, sage also has a strong flavor that some rabbits might not enjoy. 

In this article, we will discuss more sage and rabbits…

Let’s hop straight in! 

Can Rabbits Eat Sage?

Is Sage Safe For Rabbits?

Is Sage Safe For Rabbits?

Salvia officinalis, the common sage or just sage, is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae and native to the Mediterranean region. Sage has many medicinal and nutritional values. 

Is Sage Safe For Rabbits? Yes! Rabbits can indeed eat sage and it’s safe for them. Sage contains good nutrients for rabbits’ healthy growth. It’s completely safe for rabbits to consume sage in moderate amounts. 

Rabbits are strict herbivores. They gain their main nutrients from hay. But we can always provide some herbs to boost their health. For this, sage is a perfect option. Sage provides various nutrients for your bunnies. 

Sage is an excellent source of vitamin K and fiber. Sage also contains vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B complex, calcium, iron, folate, beta carotene, etc. Sage helps rabbits in avoiding gastrointestinal issues, maintaining immunity, and boosting the overall health of your bunny. 

Sage however has a strong flavor. Commonly most rabbits don’t like this strong smell or aroma. If your rabbit does not like the strong aroma, then do not force them to eat it. This depends upon different rabbits. 

We will next discuss eating the different parts of sage, its benefits, how much sage to feed your bunnies, and more about sage. Keep on reading rabbit moms…

Can Baby Rabbits Eat Sage?

No! Baby rabbits cannot eat sage. It is not recommended to feed them sage because their digestive system will not be developed to process it.

Their digestive system is extremely sensitive and feeding sage to them can cause several health issues.

Wait until your rabbit reaches 7 months of age and, even then, only offer a leaf of sage to start.

Can Rabbits Eat Sage Stems?

Technically yes, rabbits can eat sage stems. There won’t be any health issues from eating sage stems.

However, the sage stems can get woody with time. You can still feed them young saplings of the sage stem. 

Can Rabbits Eat Sage Flowers?

Yes! Rabbits can eat sage flowers. Sage flowers are perfectly safe for rabbits. Sage flowers are nutritious for rabbits.

You have to make sure that there are no insects or pollinators inside the flower before feeding it to your furry baby. 

Can Rabbits Eat Dried Sage?

Yes. Rabbits can eat dried sage. It is safe for rabbits to eat dried sage. However, dried sage has a more potent aroma and flavor which some rabbits might not like.

Fresh sage is recommended more than dried sage. When it is dried, sage loses many nutrients. 

Benefits Of Sage For Rabbits

Benefits Of Sage For Rabbits

Sage has many benefits for rabbits. Sage contains many minerals and vitamins which are nutritional for your rabbit. It contains dietary fibers, proteins, vitamins B6, K, and E, magnesium, potassium, iron, manganese, calcium, etc. 

Even though hay contains fiber, sage can also provide additional fiber to your bunny’s diet. Fiber can avoid gastrointestinal problems for your rabbit. It avoids diarrhea, gases, and bloating. It will improve digestion in your furry babies. 

Sage is a potent source of Vitamin K. Vitamin K helps rabbits in maintaining and improving their immune system. Vitamin K will help to maintain healthy bones in your bunnies. This is great for rabbits who are growing up. 

Sage is also a fine source of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is also an antioxidant. It also improves eyesight in rabbits. Additionally sage also provides a variety of minerals such as:

  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Calcium
  • Phosphorus
  • Magnesium

Vitamin C is a great source of Vitamin C. Vitamin C helps muscle development in rabbits & it helps to maintain a healthy blood system. Sage helps maintain blood, bones, and tissues in your rabbit. As lack of Vitamin C can cause scurvy, sage is a good addition to your rabbit that can help your rabbit’s health. 

How To Feed Sage To Rabbits?

How To Feed Sage To Rabbits?

Now we know that sage is a great addition to your rabbit’s diet. It is highly beneficial for your bunny. But before feeding it to your rabbit, there are a few pointers that you have to note! 

  • You have to make sure that you choose fresh sage for your rabbits. Avoid wilted, yellowed, or spotty, sick-looking plants.
  • You have to make sure that there are no insects or pollinators in the flowers or the leaves of sage. If it is not removed, it can cause digestive issues or sickness to your rabbits.
  • You have to wash the sage properly to make sure it is free of pesticides and insecticides.
  • Organic sage is better for your rabbits than store-bought ones. 

These are the initial points you have to note. After this:

  • 2-3 leaves can be given to your rabbit. 
  • You can place these leaves directly in their hutch or can be mixed with other green vegetables. 
  • You can also chop some sage leaves and sprinkle them on top of some other leaves. 
  • Make sure you offer plenty of water along with the sage leaves. 

How Much Sage Can A Rabbit Eat?

Sage is a great addition to your rabbit’s diet. There are many health benefits provided by sage. You can feed sage in moderation to your rabbit.

It’s better if you can provide Sage mixed with other leafy greens and vegetables.

You can provide 1 cup of mixed vegetables for a rabbit with 2-pound body weight.

You can give sage to your rabbit once or twice a week. If you overfeed your rabbit it can cause bloating and diarrhea for your furry babies. Too much calcium and phosphorus levels can be harmful to your rabbit’s health.

Can You Burn Sage Around Rabbits?

No, it is not recommended for you to burn sage in the same room as rabbits. It can cause suffocation in rabbits. It can also cause respiratory issues in your furry babies.

Even if it does not harm them, commonly most rabbits don’t like something burning in the same room as they are. 

Alternatives For Sage

Frequently Asked Questions 

Can rabbits Eat Purple Sage?

Yes, mature rabbits can eat Purple Sage. This type of sage is highly flavorful, which your rabbits may find extra enjoyable.

Can Rabbits Eat Pineapple Sage?

Pineapple Sage is named due to the slightly fruity flavor of its leaves. The leaves and flowers of pineapple sage can be enjoyed by your mature rabbits.

Final Word 

Finally, we are at the end of this article. And we have the answer to the question: Can Rabbits Eat Sage? Yes, they can. Sage is one of the safest and healthiest herbs that can be added to your rabbit’s diet. It has many minerals and vitamins that will maintain and improve your bunny’s diet. 

Since sage is a herb, make sure you feed it in moderation. Overfeeding on sage can cause many health problems like bloating, diarrhea, and gas troubles. If you see any symptoms of overfeeding in your rabbits, visit your vet immediately. 

I hope this article solved all your questions about feeding sage to your rabbit. For more questions comment down below!


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